Friday, May 26, 2006

Hello There!

Hey guys, it's been another long time! I've been really busy these days. But finally, I'm going to quit my part-time job at the cinema and get ready for the upcoming World Cup! (Watching World Cup games here actually needs a lot of energy to stay up late.) Mission Impossible III and The Da Vinci Code had just made me so exhausted becasue people were sort of pouring into the cinema. I'm done with all of this... cheating costumers that it's really a bargain if they buy the combo with tickets and pop corn, drink, hot dog.....that actually is damn expensive! Also, I'm sick of those pressure from both customers and managers that when people get impatient waiting in line and you still have to ask if they want pop corn or not because you are asked to do that. Anyway, I'm leaving.

This Saturday we'll have the annual drama contest held by the Applied Foreign Languages Department in my university. My lastest graphic work is the poster for the play of my class, 'The Lottery of Love'.

(click to enlarge)And this is where the inspiration came from...
(Special thanks to Ally. I got the image from ally's visual.)


Blogger luyi said...

The poster you made is fantastic, a very whimsical work!

Also, it seems to be very interesting (Cheating bargain paradox XD) but also tiring working in the cinema.
Which CINEMA is it? Maybe I should ask you earlier before you left there. I'm sure will stop by!

09 June, 2006 05:47  
Blogger loveuamy said...

thanks. glad to hear that!

well, the only cinema in Taipei that sell movie tickets along with ferry wheel tickets.
don't forget to buy some pop corn and drink when you stop by. lol

10 June, 2006 07:17  
Anonymous Oklahoma City Divorce Attorneys said...

Glad to have you back.

08 October, 2011 18:50  

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