Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Damn It!

I suddenly find out that I can't do anything without Photoshop!! I just re-installed my computer the other day, including all the programs, software... But something wrong happens to my new Photoshop, and I can't use it at the moment. It's really inconvenient! I can't change the Premiership table and the Next Match feature here, and also edit pictures to upload! Damn it!

And another annoyinig thing...I forgot my password for Skype, a chat program. I don't use it often, but I'll miss my long contact list. I've tried many possible passwords for it, but just couldn't find the right one. Also I've tried the password reminder, but strangely, it says: 'The username you entered is not valid or you did not specify an email address when you registered for Skype.' Damn it!

Now I have to log in again on every sites I've been visiting around, and I start to feel that I should make a list for those passwords. Or maybe a table, showing Website, Username, Password.


Blogger dan said...

hmmm...computers can be a pain.

as for photoshop, have you tried removing it and reinstalling?

13 December, 2005 16:36  
Blogger loveuamy said...

well, my brother did the install for me, so i guess i have to wait until he comes back on another holiday.

i'll just use it with his computer for a couple of days before that..

13 December, 2005 17:05  
Blogger Dirty Dan said...

alright amy - looking good in here, that table and the next match thing on the right, is it autogenerated or do you update it manually?

looks great.

14 December, 2005 11:35  
Blogger loveuamy said...

hey thanks, dan. i update it using Photoshop, and then get a new url to link every time. it looks like autogenerated, but actually just two pictures there.

i hope i know how to make it autogenerated though. lol

14 December, 2005 12:37  
Anonymous Divorce Attorneys Oklahoma City said...

Photoshop is great isn't it???

08 October, 2011 20:52  
Anonymous oklahoma city house cleaning said...

not sure what to make of this one.

10 October, 2011 00:16  
Anonymous fort worth cleaning services said...

I like it a lot :)

10 October, 2011 15:33  
Anonymous tulsa divorce attorneys said...

Photoshop is a great program.

18 October, 2011 22:48  

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