Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Generation Lost In Quake

BBC - Overview: Quake aftermath -
The 7.6 magnitude earthquake that struck close to Muzaffarabad in Pakistan-administered Kashmir on Saturday morning has caused widespread devastation.
Relief operations are under way to help tens of thousands of injured survivors and an estimated two million people left homeless, but weather conditions and the remote mountainous terrain are slowing progress.

921 of Taiwan

I was sitting on my bed with my mind went blank, staring at the dark shaking room. I tried but failed to remember what I should do when there's a quake, while I did remember I've heard of it many times from teachers since a kid. Easy - 'hide under a desk', but it just wasn't across my mind that night on 21 Sep 1999.

I couldn't fall asleep without live radio for months after that, as I needed to feel someone's beside me. I've became really sensitive of earthquakes ever since. My routine when a quake happens: run over my home upstairs, downstairs and shout: EARTHEQUAKE! Why running? Because when you're running, you won't feel the shaking. My families are quite used to my behaviour, so they'll just ignore me. I'll stop running or walking when the quake stops, but keep trembling for a few minutes afterward. I kind of envy my brother because he's like a pig when sleeping, while minor shaking can always wake me up. After a few months of the 921, I finally could get rid of live radio before sleep, but still needed music. Until now, it's already a habit of mine for 6 years because silence makes me feel insecure after all.

I really hate earthquakes. You feel helpless when it happens. Firstly, you can't predict when it will happen. Secondly, normally home can keep you away from danger, but if it's a quake, then home isn't safe to stay anymore! How do you know it won't collapse within just seconds?


Blogger Spo said...

I had a couple here in Jakarta - only minor ones - the biggest 5.5 - I didn't notice as we were on a very bumpy road at the time!

and the second one I thought it was the whisky!

14 October, 2005 03:47  
Blogger loveuamy said...

well...sometimes i don't know it's a quake or just my anaemia...

5.5 is a big one if it's where you are! the biggest one here, the 921, was 7.4 in the middle of Taiwan. just 4 in my city actually, but the thing lasted almost 1 minute....@@

14 October, 2005 15:03  
Blogger Spo said...

a minute would seem like an hour I'll bet.

5.5 was big yeah - but we drove right through it - very very bumpy road - and if everyone around was panicing I couldn't tell as I don't speak the lingo well enough!

15 October, 2005 09:25  
Anonymous oklahoma city house cleaning said...

that's horrible.

09 October, 2011 23:59  
Anonymous fort worth house cleaning said...

pray for the victims and their family members.

10 October, 2011 15:18  
Anonymous tulsa divorce attorneys said...

that's devastating.

28 October, 2011 02:37  

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