Tuesday, August 02, 2005

A Nice Post, Don't Miss It

From: D. Keith Robinson's Web Design Blog

A few things blogging has taught me
Some of these I've learned from blogging myself, some from reading blogs. Some I already knew (or thought I did) and some are completely new:

The world is both bigger and smaller than I'd ever imagined.
There is great power in words.
Blogging can very easily be considered work. Lots of it.
24 hours in a day isn't enough.
Making a mistake and being called on it can be one the best learning experiences you can have.
You really can meet cool people online. And many of them are not so bad in person either!
It's easy to mix up "it's" and "its". Same goes for "your" and "you're". Oh and "too" and "to".
Don't trust spellcheck.
Blogs are great for marketing and PR if done the right way.
I've got friends in low places.
The world is full of passionate people.
Storytelling is one of the best ways to convey a message.
People love gadgets. And porn.
Defensiveness makes you look bad.
People I've never met care about me, and I care about people I've never met.
Links are a new form of currency.
Blogging is a great way to express yourself.
Blogging is a great way to manage knowledge and lessons learned.
Geek is the new pink.
Smaller is better.
Writing is hard!
Most people are more positive than negative.
Some people actually can make a living blogging. Imagine that.
A well-placed f-bomb can go along way.
Mainstream media is full of shit.
Everyone has a bad day.
Crankiness comes in waves and affects many at once.
Popular doesn't always mean good.
The best way to become better at something is to keep doing it.
Comments make great content.
Conversations are a great way to communicate.
You've got to love what you do to do it really well.
People actually do read Web content.
Making an ass out of yourself will get you lots of attention.
Censorship is lame.
Perfect is the enemy of the good.
Clever writing can be frustrating.
Sub-headers are priceless. As are lists.
The future is text-based.
Content management is a process, not a technology.
If you step away from it, the blogosphere will still be there when you get back.
Asking a question is a great way to get a response. (Obvious I know…)
With that, I'll throw it to y'all. What has blogging taught you?

(ps. Read from 'This is Anfield'. Thank you, Dan, for sharing this.)


Blogger dan said...

A few interesting lessons there I noticed at this.is.anfield as well.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I won't be quitting posting, just resting from it for a while.

02 August, 2005 09:15  
Blogger loveuamy said...

okay,mate. enjoy. ^^

02 August, 2005 15:10  
Anonymous Oklahoma City House Cleaning said...

That's good stuff -thanks for sharing.

09 October, 2011 23:09  
Anonymous fort worth house cleaners said...

not sure what to make of this one.

10 October, 2011 14:48  
Anonymous oklahoma city divorce lawyers said...

I like it a lot :)

10 October, 2011 22:23  
Anonymous Milwaukee House cleaning said...

I like it!

24 October, 2011 21:55  
Anonymous minneapolis house cleaning said...

very very interesting.

24 October, 2011 22:03  
Anonymous portland house cleaning said...

it's original for sure.

24 October, 2011 22:04  
Anonymous seattle house cleaning said...

i like it - well sort of :)

24 October, 2011 22:04  
Anonymous omaha house cleaning said...

not sure what to make of this one.

24 October, 2011 22:05  

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